Challenging Week - Wonderful Week

Well, I suppose that says it all. But maybe a bit of an explanation might be in order. On Monday, I went with my husband (David) to have surgery on his hand. He has had this surgery before on his right hand, this time he had it on his left. For those of you who don't know David there are a few things that you need to know about him. First of all, he is a catcher (I'm the flyer.); and second he has a very, very, very high tolerance for pain (unlike me). We left the surgery center with a RX for pain medication, which he insisted he would not need (and didn't), so we threw that away!! Imagine a catcher with a hand like this

Add that to the fact that he is a cyclist and you got a caged cat!! I was really hoping to be able to practice my catching skills. But, other then slicing Lebanon Bologna for his sandwiches (not even making the sandwich), and not tightening the toothpaste tube, I wasn't able to do much. Oh well. Luckily the Tour de France is on. It suffices to fill some of the void. If you haven't been watching it is quite a sport. Try in catch it while they are in the mountains. Right now they are in the Alps. Next the Pyrenees Today, at one point, they were traveling at speeds in excess of 40mph on a bicycle. Can you imagine tooling through the Alps at 40 mph on a bicycle? Check out some of the photos. Or try to catch at least one stage of the race which began July 7 in London and will not end until July 29, in Paris. It is being carried live on Versus

I did get to finish my Roxanne doll from Sherry Goshon's class. She was quite a challenge. I ended up having to sculpt a head for her, rather then use Sherry's Luna mold. There were quite a few other little changes that I had to make in order for her to become. So, here she is. I really like her. I also like the technique of wrapping rather then stuffing dolls. It's easier on the hands.

Next week, I'll finish up daughter's collage. I'm waiting for some supplies that I ordered from Lisa's Heaven They are pigments, which provide more intensity of color when mixed with other mediums then things like Pearl Ex. Because I intend to use it with Paverpol and Apoxie, I think they will render a more rich color. I'm also going to try it mixed with Adirondack blending solution. I think that it will provide some interesting effects. I used that solution with some pearlescent chalk on Roxie's face today. I'll post a close up tomorrow. Forgot to take one today

Anyway my garden is becoming more plush. Butterflies have returned to the butterfly bushes and the goldfinch are perching and eating from the cone flowers(a new phenomenon). It's an absolutely beautiful time of the year. I'll also post some garden shots for you tomorrow.


  1. Thank you so much for your lovely comments on my blog Belinda.
    Your Roxanne is beautiful and I am sure Sherry must be proud of you.

  2. I miss you but obviously you are VERY busy - I love your Roxy! Things are progressing here - Michael is on his way home so I'm sure you'll hear the details. I'm looking forward to seeing you next week!
    Love you both - catcher and flyer!
