Slightly New Look

I have changed a few things around here. Most importantly for me is that I removed the dates. It makes me feel less guilty about not posting more frequently. I've joined 3(count them), THREE new yahoo groups. I'm really enjoying them, and as soon as I get more organized, I'll be more present in them. I've been working on a mermaid. It all began with Jean Bernard's Mermaid Tail class. If you take the opportunity to follow this link you'll get to see some of Jean's fantastic work. You'll have to scroll down to see the fish tail but you'll also get a chance to look at Jean's incredible art. Well back to the mermaid. I was taking this class with Jean and decided that before I made the tail, I should make a body. HA!! As I was creating the body, this particular mermaid decided that she wanted quite a different tail. She's not your classic mermaid, but rather an ice maid. A creature of the cold Arctic waters I really had to think about materials to use so that you could see the impact that the cold water has on her body. Using modeling past and various glitters really helped. She's not quite finished, but I thought I would share my progress with you. I'm really growing quite fond of her.

One day I'll get a light box. But for now my back yard work table will do. My sweetheart built it for me. It's really great, but that's another story.

I really like the effect of the modeling paste corset, as well as the depth that it gives her skin. By the way the body is polymer over a wire armature.

And this is her tail. Fabric, angelina fiber, fine glitter and a heat gun! It was like using the heat gun like a paint brush. Oh there is a wire armature underneath all that.

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