"This award will be awarded to those that are just nice people, good blog friends; and to those that inspire good feelings and are an inspiration! Those that care about others that are there to lend support, or those that are just a positive influence in our blogging world!" I just was nominated for this award from by friend and fellow blogger Venus at Handmade by Venus. Venus is a very talented artist. She creates the most fantastic dolls. What I LOVE about Venus's dolls is that they are not only unique and beautiful, but her craftsmanship is perfection. What I LLOVE about Venus is her big heart. When you visit her blog make sure you read Here comes the Bride and She started as a Fairy. Anyway, Venus nominated me and I get to nominate 5 other bloggers. Thank You, Venus for thinking of me.
I have run across a many very kind and generous people here in the blogging world. People who share their time and talents to support and connect our very large communities. This makes nominating fun and easy The hard part is limiting it to 5 people. But here goes:
Sprite at "Sprite"
Belinda Spiwak at "Crazy Art Girl's Musings"
Marva Plummer-Brun at "Purple Thoughts-Purple Paint"
Sherre Hulbert at "Sherre's Art Zone"
Judi Wellnitz at "Art Dolls:A Journey in Fiber"
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